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The Milestones Academic Tutoring Program focuses on inclusive peer-to-peer teaching and learning practices among each student. Our aim is for students to develop a deeper understanding of course content that will generate greater student confidence to succeed in their academic work at school and beyond.


Challenges and miscalculations transpire every day in learning activities and social interactions. How students think about and respond to these situations affects their ability to tackle future problems. Building resilience means nurturing our student’s belief that they are in control of their actions and are capable. By supporting these beliefs, teachers give students confidence in their ideas and their ability to face challenges.


Tutoring is available in all grades and subject matter. Tutoring services are also available to students from other programs including undergraduate courses and community college courses. Milestones tutors align the three major components of instruction: learning objectives, assessments, and instructional activities. Tutoring sessions focus on helping students grasp the concepts they will need to know to perform well in their class, as well as developing strategies to effectively prepare for exams in their class. A long-term focus of empowering students is favored through effective teaching that involves acquiring relevant knowledge about students and using that knowledge to inform our course design and academic counseling.


Milestones tutoring believes that each student should recognize our positive impact of nurturing ability, identifying and gratifying success, reflected and well-focused praise as well as upholding and developing individual confidence will be at the heart of our considerations. Having ability is just a starting point.


Group tutoring is offered as well. We do our best to offer various group sessions, but students might need to alter their schedule to accommodate the available tutoring lessons.


"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach."



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